Welcome to my blog "Cape"able Moments. I created this blog to celebrate the fact that, while we may not always be SuperMom, every one of us has days or moments when we get to wear our SuperMom cape.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Flats and Handwashing Diaper Challenge

I am participating in the Flats and Handwashing Diaper Challenge this year, hosted by DirtyDiaperLaundry http://dirtydiaperlaundry.com/ It is a week we have set aside to diaper babies as inexpensively and simply as possible. No washing machines, no dryers, no fancy $30 all-in one diapers, just the basics or even better, using and reusing what we have on hand. I have to say that I use flats everyday, so that meant I didn't need any equipment for this challenge. I have washed by hand out of necessity before, so that wasn't a stretch either. And line drying? Well, I do that for fun anyway. The wind blows constantly at our house and the sun shines most days, so it only makes sense to hang laundry. Hanging laundry is always satisfying for me. I feel a connection to the hundreds of generations of women before me. By hand washing, that feeling is only intensified. Seeing my family in clean, sweet smelling clothes feels like a real accomplishment and makes me feel feminine. Whatever works, but that's my thought process.

I'm a little behind on running through the topics by day, so I will try to keep this short to catch up.

Day 1: Why are you taking this challenge?
   Because I can. Because I think it's important for people to know that there are more options. I tried cloth with Baby #1, it didn't go well but I wasn't in it whole heartedly. He had some uniqueness that I wasn't aware of at the time which made things harder with him. Baby #2, well, I was tired and overwhelmed, I didn't even try. Baby #3, why would I change?  BUT then life happened. I suddenly had a child who was 3 and refused to potty train. I found myself pregnant with Baby #4. Husband got laid off and I would have 2 in diapers. Cloth was my answer. It saved us. With cloth, I would always have diapers. Always. The worry of how I was going to buy them every week was gone. It was liberating. The real kicker was that Babies # 1, 2 and 3 had bleeding diaper rashes. Baby #4 has only had a few episodes of redness, not really even enough to call a rash. Sold! Everyone should use cloth. With today's products, it is easy, affordable AND realistic.

Day 2: What does it take?
  Let's talk logistics. I bought 4 dozen LL Flats for $40 from a lady on Craigslist. She was leaving cloth and ended up bringing me 5 dozen, some receiving blankets and doublers. I didn't realized what I'd really gotten until later. I chose to go with flats because I would be diapering a 3 year old and a newborn with one set. Then I ordered 2 Econobum shells on a B1G1 sale and one PUL shell from eBay. For wipes, I cut and sewed some squares of old flannel receiving blankets. The Econobums fit my 3 year old, and later, the littlest one. When baby #4 was 3 months old, my washer died. We were still trying to recover from the unemployment, so I started handwashing everything. I washed in the bathtub every day. Sheets, clothes and diapers. So it takes diapers, covers a tub, soap and want to.

Day 3: How do you use your flats?
   This one is easy. I pad fold and stick them in a cover. Ta-Da! That's what I use even at night. Occasionally, I will double them, but more often I will just place a couple of our flannel wipes into the fold. I have some pockets now, but I use them the same as a cover. Stuffing annoys me, lol.

So, all caught up now! I had planned on posting some videos, but my camera has decided differently. Instead here is a nice photo of yesterday's diaper laundry.

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