Welcome to my blog "Cape"able Moments. I created this blog to celebrate the fact that, while we may not always be SuperMom, every one of us has days or moments when we get to wear our SuperMom cape.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Why Wonder Pets will be the downfall of our society

I can't help but wonder if Wonder Pets is the kind of cool stuff the network brains think our kiddos should watch, then which ideas did they reject? I mean as if the talking baby animals were not genius enough, they have to over-dramatize simple problems. "This is sewrious!" And then there's freaking Dora. She has to repeat everything 3 times so that our sweet ADHD and audio processing disorder kids can follow what's going on. But really, it's the freaking Map, just like the last 20,000 times you watched it! I know I don't have to let them watch that crap, but I do because sometimes I need them out of my hair and they don't like history documentaries. The bright side of that, I guess, is that at least my older kids can see the errors of the programming now. After catching the end of Barney one afternoon, Baby G was completely sucked into to the song, "I love you, you love me." #2 said, "It's like they are brainwashing a whole generation! (zombie arms and voice) Must love everyone. Must be nice to everyone. Must hug people." It might sound bad, but I'm pleased that she sees the socialist message in mass media. I wish everyone did and I wish I had the intellectual fortitude to give them better things to watch. Brain junk food will always be around our house in the form of tv and video games, but there will always be better choices available, too. I so want them to know what is out there, but choose to do things better and different from the mainstream. Oh, one more thing, Baby G fell out of the chair while I was writing this. My first thought was, "This is Sewrious..."

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